Frank DENIS random thoughts.

800x600 is not dead

Yesterday, I added a sidebar to one of my sites.

Not a big deal. Except that I immediately received a lot of complaints.

The common factor for the people who complained was that they are browsing the site with a 800x600 screen resolution, while I blindly assumed that in 2007, people could at least display things that are 950 pixels wide.

I added a simple javascript logger:

function width_stats() {
  var date = new Date();
  date.setTime(date.getTime() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
  var expires = '; expires=' + date.toGMTString();
  var value = screen.availWidth;
  document.cookie = 'width_stats=' + value + expires + '; path=/';

The value is recorded into a file:

if (!empty($_COOKIE['width_stats'])) {
    if (($fp = @fopen('/tmp/stats.txt', 'a')) !== FALSE) {
        fputs($fp, $_COOKIE['width_stats'] . ' ' .
              @$_COOKIE['vbforumuserid'] . "\n");

And… ouch! Not less than 5% of users are still using a 800x600 resolution. 5% !!! In year 2007.

That site is a discussion board for girls. Maybe the fact that 5% of the users are still in 800x600 can be explained by the fact that they never configured Windows after the initial setup. Frightening.

The percentage would probably be way lower in a geek-related site.