Frank DENIS random thoughts.

Hot news in the Ruby on Rails world

If you didn’t watch the Ruby On Rails weblog lately, you missed hot news from the press:

  • The previous release of Rails 2.0 is out. Sexy migrations, an SQL cache, performance enhancements, automatic security enhancements (anti-XSRF / XSS, etc), a real debugger… Rails is still on top.
  • Scaling a rails application from the bottom up is an extremely interesting paper by Joyent, telling everything about their scalable hardware and software architecture. Even if you don’t use Rails, this paper is a must read if you ever have to face scalability issues. It covers everything, absolutely everything. Probably the best paper I’ve read seen on the subject. If you are a CEO, CTO, developper or sysadmin, read this. Skip the first pages if you aren’t interested in Rails, but all the rest is really worth reading.
  • Want a free book about Rails? Get the Patrick Lenz book for free. The giveaway will expire in less than 2 months.